Existing ACJ landlords can now benefit from recommending their friends to us. As soon as your friend starts using ACJ, you will receive £100 and they will receive two months free management on one of their properties.
Inform your friends – share this page on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any other way you like using our share bar on the top right.
Recommend a friend to ACJ. Either you or your friend contacts us by completing the form below, quoting code REF001.*
You will receive your £100 once we have signed terms of business and a signed tenancy agreement in place**The new landlords will receive their two months management free of charge**
*Please ensure that you include the name and contact details of the person you are referring in the message below, or if the new landlord is going to contact us, please ask them to include your name so we can pay the referral fee to you.
*Terms and conditions apply
**The incoming Landlord must pay our standard management fee rate of 10%+VAT.
Your name*
Your email address*
Phone number*
How did you hear about this offer?*
* * I would like to receive information about the local property market, products & services from ACJ & understand that I can unsubscribe at any time.
I have read and agreed to the Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy*
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